Forensic Extractor for YouTube
This handy and easy-to-use command line utility is primarily intended for Digital Forensics Investigators and Open Source Intelligence Analysts who need to acquire video and audio streams from YouTube in manner that adheres to the principles of forensic soundness.


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Forensic Extractor for YouTube is offered free of charge with a Pay What You Want option. If you are satisfied with the utility, please show your support by paying a sum of your choosing through the link below. Thank you for your support!
Forensic Extractor for YouTube is a free open source Python3 utility that adheres to the principles of forensic soundness and presents all of its data in a well-crafted and visually appealing style. Moreover, detailed logs are available for review and relevant metadata artifacts are extracted along with the video and stored neatly in a comma separated values (.csv) file. To top it off, the utility sets up a directory structure based on the YouTube Channel Name as well as any Geolocation data that may be available. Whether you need thousands of videos to be extracted for an in-depth investigation or just a handful of carefully selected videos for analysis, Forensic Extractor for YouTube has you covered.
The utility is perfectly suitable also for non-forensic purposes. If you are looking for a free YouTube downloader, look no further!
The utility comes bundled with an installation script for Windows and Linux. It will take care of setting up a virtual Python environment for you, downloading and installing the required libraries and creating an environment variable for FFmpeg, a cross-platform conversion tool. In addition to these, the Bash script for Linux automatically determines whether you are running a Debian or Red Hat based distribution and installs Python, Pip and FFmpeg for you.
Forensic Extractor for YouTube takes as its input a .csv file that contains the URLs that are to be extracted.
After downloading the utility, please verify that the file signature checksum matches that of the checksums below:
Forensic Extractor for YouTube version 1.0.0
Key Features
Version 1.0.0
– Extract video and audio streams from YouTube in the highest available quality
› 2160p
› 1440p
› 1080p
› 720p
– Merge video and audio streams into a cohesive multiplexed file
– Calculate cryptographic file signatures for the video and audio streams:
› SHA-512
› SHA-256
› SHA-1
› MD5
– Calculate cryptographic file signatures for the multiplexed file:
› SHA-512
– Extract video metadata from YouTube:
› Location name
› View count
› Comment count
› Like count
› Channel name
› Upload date
› Release time
– Directory structure is setup based on the Channel and Location metadata artifacts.
– Separate directories are created for each channel.
– Within each Channel directory separate directories are created for each location.
– All key information is written to a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file for reference and analysis:
› Video file name
› Video file path
› Video title
› View count
› Like count
› Comment count
› Location name
› Duration
› Channel name
› Timestamp indicating when the video stream extraction completed
› Video release timestamp
› Video upload date
› File signature for video file (BLAKE3)
› File signature for video file (SHA-512)
› File signature for video file (SHA-256)
› File signature for video file (SHA-1)
› File signature for video file (MD5)
› Audio file name
› Audio file path
› Timestamp indicating when the audio stream extraction completed
› File signature for audio file (BLAKE3)
› File signature for audio file (SHA-512)
› File signature for audio file (SHA-256)
› File signature for audio file (SHA-1)
› File signature for audio file (MD5)
› Multiplex file name
› Multiplex file path
› File signature for multiplex file (SHA-512)
› Timestamp indicating when the multiplex process began
› Timestamp indicating when the multiplex process completed
– Data is presented in a clear and concise visual style for easy reading.
– All data on screen is written to a separate log file for later reference.
– Uniform Resource Locators (URL) that fail to provide extractable streams are logged in a separate file.
Additional security features
– Accepts only .csv and .txt files as input.
– Verifies that each URL conforms to one of the following patterns:
– Sanitizes each URL by removing invalid characters.
– Verifies whether an existing extraction_log.csv file exists, creates it or appends data to it.
Download your free copy today!
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Watchman is a passionate cyber security professional specializing in Security Operations as well as Digital Forensics & Incident Response. He advocates that anyone who is willing can work their way into the fascinating field of cyber security.
Having a keen eye for detail, Watchman seeks to produce high quality content that will benefit newcomers as well as seasoned professionals.
Watchman’s foundation is his Christian faith.